Task sequence failed to run with error 0x80070490

While deploying a workstation with a Task Sequence, the error message 0x80070490 may occur.

The workstation starts in WinPE and then the message Task Sequence failed error 0x80070490 appears. The error occurs when you want to place the .wim file on the local hard drive.

This can be solved by repartitioning the hard drive. This can be done in the following way.

Make sure that the WinPE support for Enable command support (testing only) is checked.

Press F8 within WinPE and type the following command line:

  1. disk part
  2. list disk and find the disk where the Windows installation should take place (usually Disk 0)
  3. select disk X (replace the X with the hard drive number)
  4. clean
  5. create partition primary
  6. format fs=ntfs quick
  7. assign
  8. active
  9. exit
  10. exit, restart the computer with the USB boot stick inserted and restart the Task Sequence.

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